Superintendent's Message
Throughout the Campbell City School District, strategic planning, empowering leaders, perseverance, knowledge, and most importantly, trusting relationships have resulted in highly effective operations, which have increased student achievement and expanded opportunities for the students and greater community. At the core, the staff understands the importance and need for in-depth investigation of barriers preventing student success. The culture throughout the district has transformed to, “I can, we can, they can…”. Through the ongoing evolution of the district’s strategic plan, shared leadership has led to conversation beyond graduation for students as the goal. High School graduation is no longer the bar throughout the Campbell community. Instead, all staff and students focus on personalized goals beyond high school with a new focus on college and career aspirations.
Like many schools throughout Ohio, we understand the importance of leveraging additional resources through partnerships necessary to create the most significant impact on students and the community. Meeting the whole child’s and whole family’s needs are accomplished through public and private partners who have substantial involvement throughout the school district and community. As evidence, partnerships that have been forged in Campbell have extended to the Community Literacy Workforce and Cultural Center (CLWCC). The CLWCC is an ecosystem of public and private partners committed to supporting students, strengthening the workforce, and growing the regional economy. Within the CLWCC is the Northeast Ohio Impact Academy, Southwoods Health, The Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County, United Way of Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley, Eastern Gateway Community College, and Stark State College. The partnerships have created mutual benefits with increased foot traffic and efficient, effective delivery of services. The CLWCC is quickly becoming a model for success and will potentially be replicated throughout the country with Senator Brown’s proposed legislation, The Full-Service Community School Expansion Act.
Over the past eight years, while serving the Campbell City Schools as superintendent, my appreciation for the district and the greater region has consistently increased. I have been afforded many opportunities to work closely with teachers and administrators related to curriculum, instruction, and the Ohio Improvement Process. There has been continued impressive momentum throughout our region that I am proud to be a part of. I am passionate about my work here and have often referred to Campbell, Ohio, as the best-kept secret in all of Mahoning County!
If you have any questions, or if we can be of assistance, please feel free to email any of the dedicated staff or call 330-799-8777.
Educationally yours, Matthew L. Bowen,
Carol Michaels, Secretary cmmichaels