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Office of the Treasurer

Welcome to the Treasurer’s Office!   




My name is Nora Montanez and I am honored to serve the students and residents of Campbell as the Treasurer of Campbell City Schools.  My experience consists of 20 years in the Treasurer’s Office, 16 of which have been as Treasurer.

The Treasurer serves as the Chief Financial Officer of the District and reports directly to the Campbell City Board of Education.  The Treasurer oversees all fiscal operations of the District including, but not limited to, accounting, preparation of annual budgets, five year forecasts, grants, payroll, and student activities.  The Five Year Forecast can be viewed on the following link:

Five Year Forecast 2023

FY23 Assumptions

My staff forms a great team that values dedication and possesses a strong sense of accountability.  Together, we strive to effectively and efficiently manage the District’s finances so the District may continue to provide the best educational opportunities for all students.

Michelle Martinez, Payroll/Benefits Specialist:

Mara Stamos, Student Activity Clerk/Accounts Payable/Receivable Specialist:


Ohio Auditor of State Fraud Prevention Reporting:
To report any potential fraud, please visit:


Campbell City Schools has remained consistent through state audits receiving Ohio Auditor of State Awards for the fiscal years ended 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018!




 403(b) Plan Eligibility Notice